In the example shown above, we see a comment in which three named entities are recognized: Action (a person), Ohio (GPE, a geographical location) and New York (GPE).
In the figure shown above, we see the distribution of sentiment scores associated with the named entity Acton in the comments. The scores are bounded between -1 and 1. The higher (lower) score values correspond to more positive (negative) sentiments.
Semantic segmentation is the task of assigning labels to different pixels in an image. So you can think of it as a binary or multi-label classification. That means the targets have the same size as their corresponding images. How do we organize the directory for such a task and how can we make use of the ImageDataGenerator? Let’s start with a simple example.
I recently read this excellent book on financial machine learning which has a whole chapter dedicated to feature importance and its importance! It offers nice guidelines and some of the best practices for investigating feature importance in problems where we would like to know the extent to which different features contribute to the outcome of a machine learning model. Let’s imagine you are trying to predict whether you need to sell or buy stocks of a certain commidity in the market. Given the historical time evolution of the price, you can hand-engineer a large number of features. This includes:
Optimization of deep Neural Networks is often done using Gradient-based methods such as mini-batch gradient descent and its extensions such as Momentm, RMSprop, and Adam. Second order optimization methods such as Newton, BFGS, etc are widely used in different areas of statsitics and Machine Learning. Why are these methods are not popular in deep learning?
One of the chalenges of cosmological parameter estimation is marginalizing out the nuisance parameters such as the parameters that model the connection between galaxies and dark matter. For such marginalizations we are required to evaluate this conditional probability p(galaxy properties | dark matter halo properties). The list of galaxy properties consists of stellar mass, star formation rate, etc and the list of dark matter halo properties consists of mass, maximum circular velocity, etc.